Derby the dog was born with a congenital deformity resulting in small forearms and no front paws, but thanks to 3D Print Systems the dog can now walk and run with his front leg prosthetics.
Tara Anderson, director of product management at 3D Print systems, envisioned this idea in order to help Derby. Tara along with two designers and an animal orthotist, scanned Derby’s legs and planned cradles and blades that fit him perfectly.
The team started designing low prosthetics so he wouldn’t feel a drastic change of height and they came up with the final design; a round form of prosthetics that would be adjusted better to his movement and would not get stuck in the dirt while running.
“This is what 3-D printing is all about,” Anderson said. “To be able to help anybody. A dog, person, whoever … there’s no better thing to be involved in.”
Source: 3D Systems